Delivery & Returns.

Delivery and Returns

Our products are Bespoke and Made-to-order and therefore they are non-returnable as these have been made especially for you.

We do our best to ensure the best quality and conditions of the products we deliver to your door. (Please inspect your goods as soon as you receive them - and mark goods unchecked with delivery courier - or if there is visible damage to the box or packaging - please note this with the courier driver - or sign box damaged.)

However, if you find that the item you have received has been damaged, please let us know within 2 working days by emailing: In your email, please let us know:

  • The order number

  • The damage(s) - please provide photographs

  • If you would like the product replaced

Once we receive your email, we will arrange for a pick up, re-delivery or refund as per your request.  If the product is damaged, we will refund the full amount including the delivery charge.

Please do inspect your goods upon receipt, and inform us of any issues within 2 days of receipt.  If you fail to do this you shall be deemed to have accepted the goods.

Once your order has been dispatched, we will send you an email with a tracking link so that you can monitor your delivery.
Where payment is made using credit card, items may be dispatched a day later, as a result of standard security precautions (fraud or card misuse, for example) imposed by banks. If a payment is not confirmed within 30 days, the order will be automatically cancelled.

Larger products

Some larger items in our range of products which are produced to order do not qualify for free shipping, however you will clearly be informed of any shipping costs during the order completion phase of your transaction. In these cases, you will see the estimated production time displayed at the moment you place your order, and the delivery procedure will be as follows:

1.    We will send you an email confirming your order and we will organise delivery with one of our various shipping partners, depending on your location.

2.    Once the shipping company collects your order from our factories in Europe we will send you an email confirming this and we will provide you with contact details for the shipping company.

3.    Our shipping partner will then contact you to organise the date your order will be delivered to the delivery address you specified at the time you place your order.
Delivery is intended to mean at street level/curb side and unless otherwise indicated, will take place from Monday to Friday during normal business hours (from 9 am to 6pm), excluding public holidays.


We offer and recommend a comprehensive White Glove delivery service which includes delivery, assembly and the removal of all packaging. If you would like a personalised estimate, please contact our customer care team at


It should take no more than 10 to 14 working days after we receive and check the product.


RETURNS, Marble Collective, 18 Penerley Road SE6 2LQ London United Kingdom . If you require clarification of any of the above information, please email via the contact page or at